Saturday, July 17, 2004

The presentation of Malaysian Idol last night was awful, horrifying and shocking. Not that the contestants are performing badly but the producers must be sleeping. The set up of the stage was so cheap. What is the difference between Malaysian Idol and the other talent/singing shows produced locally? What were the producers thinking? Oh... I sounded like my boss' boss there. Anyway, there was no live audience. The only audience were the contestants themselves and the 3 judges. Kak G's comments are always the same or as how Paul Moss would put it "no originality". Everytime you will hear Roslan say something like "Bagus! Bagus! Apa pandangan G?" which Fauziah Latiff in turn will say "Kak G setuju, cuma pitching...blek blek blek..." What the fuck? I cannot imagine how these 2 were selected to be the judges. Such low standards and so "siah sui only!" 


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