Thursday, July 14, 2005

RM250 for a blog entry

I left office early today. By 5:20pm I have already crossed the bridge and reached the Jelutong Expressway. I was on the right in the 3 lane expressway. The speedometer was pretty constant at 80 km/h. Half way into the expressway but just before going up the flyover, a driver in a big truck from the opposite direction was flashing his head lights signalling a road block in front. Cars started to slow down just in case there is a speed trap nearby. I immediately switched to the middle lane.

True enough, there was a road block manned by about 6 traffic policemen. I could see them afar after passing the flyover. Their Perdana V6 was parked by the road. I was thinking, okay I didn't speed so there shouldn't a problem.

Fuck, I was wrong. As I slowly moved to the road block, one of them signalled me to stop by the shoulder. The following conversation transpired...

Me: *confused* *confuckulated*
Cop 1: Encik ada lesen?
Me: Ada
Cop 1: Encik bagi lesen dan IC
Me: Apa salah saya Encik?

***I handed my lesen and IC to Cop 1. He took my lesen and IC... looked at them for a full minute

Cop 1: Encik punya roadtax dah mati
Me: Huh? Sudah mati kah?
Cop 1: Ya, sudah mati. Mai keluar tengok.

***Fuck again! I just realised it is going to expire this month but didn't know it has expired***

Me: Encik, saya dah lupa renew road tax. Boleh bagi chance?
Cop 1: Ini road tax mati, insurance pun mati kah?
Me: Road tax mati, insurance tentu mati lah
Cop 1: Kalau macam ni, kena saman 600 Ringgit ni. Tiga ratus bagi saman, tiga ratus lagi bagi mahkamah. Kereta pun tak boleh bawa balik. Kena pergi mahkamah bulan sembilan untuk buat rayuan. Lesen pun kena gantung ni.
Me: Encik, ini boleh selesai kah? Tiap-tiap hari I kena bawa kreta ni.

Cop 1 still holding my IC and lesen walked behind my car and went to Cop 2. After like 30 seconds, Cop 1 went away and Cop 2 came over. I was still inside the car.

Cop 2: Encik, saya kena saman Encik.
Me: Eh! Jangan lah, saya lupa renew road tax. Encik boleh bagi peluang saya lah.
Cop 2: Keluar kreta, ambik kunci sekali dan ikut saya pi belakang.

I hopped out and followed him back to their Perdana. Then he started to fill up the saman. Writing some numbers like date...etc..etc

Me: Encik, jangan tulis lah. Boleh selesai kah sekarang?
Cop 2: Nanti saya tulis saman, you kena pi mahkamah bulan sembilan buat rayuan. Kreta pun tak boleh bawa lagi. Lesen pun kena gantung.
Me: Eh, tak boleh lah cam ni. I kena pakai kreta pergi kerja. Tak boleh tunggu sampai bulan sembilan. Kalau sekarang macam mana boleh settle?
Cop 2: You mau macam mana settle?
Me: I boleh bagi sekarang. Brapa you mau I bagi?
Cop 2: Brapa you mau bagi?
Me: I tak tau. You bagi tau you mau berapa lah.
Cop 2: Okay, you gentleman. I pun gentleman.
Me: Okay kite semua gentleman lah. Berapa you mau?
Cop 2: Tiga Ratus.

WTF again. Wah! Tiga Ratus! No choice la

Me: Okay, nanti I masuk kereta tengok ada tak tiga ratus.
Cop 2: Ok, pi tengok.

Quickly went back into my car and along the way I saw my road tax dah mati since 9 July. Fuck! After checking my wallet, I got RM300 inside. RM300 fuck fuck fuck!! Maybe I can buy him off with RM250. I never heard such big kopi for the police for a traffic offence before anyway. Then after 3 minutes, Cop 2 came over to my window....

Me: Encik, RM250 cukup kah?
Cop 2: Okay lah. Tapi u jangan guna kreta bagi kita tahan lagi esok.
Me: Sudah tentu lah!
Cop 2: Nah... Taruh dalam buku.

Cop 2 passed the saman book to me and I had to part with RM250 for being forgetful.

The funny thing that was going on in my head was... I have a blog topic for tonight. But this blog topic cost me RM250 :(

Now... Tell me how can the government fight corruption in the force?


Blogger Ping-Ping said...

But if he had already written the report, how can he escape from just taking a bribe? I thought once the report is written, it has to go to the police station?

10:53 PM  
Blogger KEF said...

:) Dear, 250MYR is too much. :)

I asked to summon :) Went to the highcourt and got summoned 300 also :)

12:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to fight corruption in this country you asked?

Should you have initiated the bribe?

-- Old Man

12:21 AM  
Blogger ks said...

Anon - It doesn't matter who initiated the bribe. It only matters if they are disciplined enough not to accept it.

12:45 AM  
Blogger SK said...


I quite agree with what Old Man said. Always look at how we can change and move forward internally, but not to blame on others in first place.

If you don't offer the bribe, he won't even have a chance to receive the bribe. Make sense? :p

1:13 AM  
Blogger Gene Lim said...

ohh boyyyyyy....just not ur day huh KS

1:47 AM  
Blogger David Yoong said...

re: "Tell me how can the government fight corruption in the force?"

well, don't mind if i share my thoughts. we can't always rely on the government to fight corruption. it has to also start within ourselves. if we choose the easy way out by doing something that we know it's not 'right', rather, not unacceptable, it encourages us as well as others (like the police) to be repeated offenders.

if i had been you, i would have chosen to settle the entire amount. i'm no moralist, but i believe in upholding the laws laid out, because 'deviance' is anarchic to the unity of society and it retards society's progress.

11:21 AM  
Blogger lucia said...

yeah i agree with old man, SK and dahvid.

as they said, it takes 2 to clap - so if you haven't offer the bribe, there's nothing for the cops to accept. it certainly matters who initiate the bribe... because when one party does it, there you have it - bribery, corruption happens and you have to complain that there is bribery and corruption when you are part of it.

i know, some of you might say, it's easy for me (and the 3 others whom i agree with) to talk talk like this, when i'm not directly involved. well, maybe then this is where discipline for me come in - i must be disciplined enough NOT to initiatie the bribe! (see, it must start from the initiator, not after the person initiate, then let the other party see if s/he is disciplined).

this is just my opinion but i guess ok i have to admit, maybe, just maybe, if i'm caught in a tight situation i might have offer a bribe.

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

itu lah.road tax also can forget to renew.

1:58 PM  
Blogger SK said...


You always come out with pure clarification.


8:26 AM  
Blogger thquah said...

sk: Aiyoh Rm250 is way too much.So sorrylah.

10:48 AM  
Blogger ks said...

Hush4m3 - The police did not write down my particulars yet but simply taken down other basic info on the saman. Maybe after getting more than enough kopi duit, he has no choice but to finally issue that saman to the next traffic offender.

Gene - Unlucky day!

Realitybites - Lupa to renew road tax is my first time offence.

kef & TH - Yea, it's too much but I need the car and cannot afford to let them take the car and then wait to buat rayuan in bulan sembilan. Btw, I am not sure if they can take my car or r they merely using scare tactics?

Oldman, SK, Lucia & Dahvid - appreciated your comments.

6:43 PM  
Blogger ks said...

Old man - If it is not a hassle for me to settle the summon, then no. Otherwise, I have to say yes.

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, cmon. This is PATHETIC. Yeah, the policemen shouldn't have taken the bribe, but they should also have thrown you in jail for OFFERING it. That's what they do in civilized countries, you know.

10:54 PM  

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