A little while ago when I was uploading some pics for the previous post, I was thinking to myself. I've been on the move quite frequent since I changed job. Here is my travel list that I can re-call in the last one year or so...
July 06 New York, Ohio
Nov 07 California
Mar 07 California
July 07 California, Nevada, Arizona
I'll be travelling again in the next 2 months and will be flying around the Far East and US.
Sept 07 Taipei
Sept 07 Tokyo
Oct 07 Seoul
Oct 07 California
This just shows how important I am lah working in this Company... Haha! Another tak tau malu post specially for you. And if you want to know... I am not tired of it yet... Bwahahaha...
So anyone interested to apply to this Company? Can travel alot until you say NO! =)