I've been put on wait list for 5 flights to NY since the last 2 weeks. Among the airlines which put me on wait list are CX, SQ, JL and of course, MH. Whichever airline that can give me a seat in the long haul from the Far East to New York will get my booking. Very simple ya? And I was short of checking with Emirates Airlines for a place if I had not got any confirmation at the last minute. Pretty good service from Emirates too, I heard.
... and the nominations for airlines and flights that put me on wait list are ...
Cathay Pacific1 CX 692M 18JUN 7 PENHKG HK1 0825 1215 /DCCX*JCWTF /E
2 CX 888M 18JUN 7 HKGJFK HL1 1500 2120 /DCCX*JCWTF /E (WAIT LIST)
3 CX 889M 23JUN 5 JFKHKG HL1 2305 0710 25JUN 7 /DCCX*JCWTF /E (WAIT LIST)
4 CX 721M 25JUN 7 HKGPEN HK1 1455 2030 /DCCX*JCWTF /E
Our beloved national carrier,
Malaysia Airlines1 MH1133Y 17JUN 6 PENKUL HK1 0645 0745 /DCMH*RAEKFJ
2 MH 90Q 17JUN 6 KULEWR HK1 0850 1900 /DCMH*RAEKFJ
3 MH 91Q 24JUN 6 EWRKUL HL1 2200 0645 26JUN 1 /DCMH*RAEKFJ (WAIT LIST)
4 MH1138Y 26JUN 1 KULPEN HK1 0915 1015 /DCMH*RAEKFJ
Japan Airlines1 JL 724M 17JUN 6 KULNRT HL1 2250 0655 18JUN 7 /DCJL*FAB7DJ /E
2 JL 6M 18JUN 7 NRTJFK HL1 1200 1130 /DCJL*FAB7DJ /E (WAIT LIST)
3 JL 5M 23JUN 5 JFKNRT HL1 1330 1620 24JUN 6 /DCJL*FAB7DJ /E (WAIT LIST)
4 JL 723M 25JUN 7 NRTKUL HK1 1410 2020 /DCJL*FAB7DJ /E
Singapore Airlines(1) John F Kennedy Airport
1 SQ 197W 17JUN 6 PENSIN HL1 2110 2235 /DCSQ*NVNXEY /E (WAIT LIST)
2 SQ 26W 17JUN 6 SINJFK HL1 2350 1050 18JUN 7 /DCSQ*NVNXEY /E (WAIT LIST)
- Via Frankfurt
3 SQ 25W 23JUN 5 JFKSIN HL1 2130 0635 25JUN 7 /DCSQ*NVNXEY /E (WAIT LIST)
- Via Frankfurt
4 SQ 192W 25JUN 7 SINPEN HL1 0805 0930 /DCSQ*NVNXEY /E (WAIT LIST)
(2) Newark Airport
1 SQ 197S 17JUN 6 PENSIN HL1 2110 2235 /DCSQ*NVPH64 /E (WAIT LIST)
2 SQ 22S 18JUN 7 SINEWR HL1 1110 1750 /DCSQ*NVPH64 /E (WAIT LIST)
- Direct Flight
3 SQ 21S 23JUN 5 EWRSIN HL1 2300 0540 25JUN 7 /DCSQ*NVPH64 /E (WAIT LIST)
- Direct Flight
4 SQ 192S 25JUN 7 SINPEN HL1 0805 0930 /DCSQ*NVPH64 /E (WAIT LIST)