Some customers showed their concern by sending us emails. Here are a few. 1st email.
Dear Friends,
Heard about the bad news. Just wanted to say hi to you all and make sure if you're all ok? Seems all region had effected by different ways , what about penang? İs there any damage in penang? I feel really sorry for the people got effected by the earthquake & tsunami. Hope anyone you know is not among them. As I heard, The huge weaves came till africa, and caused death of people even.
Take care and stay safe!
2nd email - I think this person is more concern about the ports and shipments!
Glad to hear that you all are safe & sound. We had lived a big earthquake in Turkey 5 years ago, and we all know what does it mean well. May the God bless them.
Glad to hear that your factory running as normal. What about the ports? Will your shipments will be effected? Hope it'll not be effecting your biz badly.
b. rgds.
3rd email
Dear KS Tang,
I have heart of the terrible tidal wave you had there.
I hope you all are alright. Is there anything I can do from here, just let me know. I am very sorry for you.
I hope you have a good end of the year, in spite of the tragedy.
Please let me know you are all well and safe.
The best wishes,