The headline in The Star today screams "Not hungry enough". My first thought was why people are still not hungry enough with all the DeepaRaya goodies around? Even if you are not hungry, would you resist all the mouthwatering snacks? No way!
Then when I got hold of the paper, ohhhh.... looks like graduates, particularly the locals ones are not aggresive enough to secure their first job.
Aiyah!!! KNN!!! Of coz, they can't find a job lah. How can these newly grads find themselves a job when people like me and my collegues haven't got any promotion after working for quite some time liau??? Very simple lah, no need all the statistics one. If we can't be promoted, then how can newly grads replace us, right or not ah? Think logic lah. Those stewpid bosses are already at the top of the corporate hierarchy, why would they wanna be bothered about who to promote anyway? After all, they all oso cari makan, makan gaji one. The companies they work in are not their business. They'll all retire in a year or two. Teok bo? Forget all those stats lah, all useless one, all those stats are lies, lies and damn lies only. Think about my theory la.
Another theory is this - in recent years especially since the 90s, many parents started sending their kids to menara gading overseas coz the local ones diddn't have enuf space to take in those kids. Now, after a few years, they come back and find it difficult to get jobs. So now the local grads have to oso compete with those grads from US lah, UK lah, Australia lah, Canada lah...
Lastly, another reason is nearer to home... in Penang - do you see any big investments from both local or foreign coming in? In the mid 70s and 80s, you see alot of big names like Intel lah, B Braun lah, Siemens lah, Acer lah, HP lah, Sony lah... during the former CM's time, coming in to build factories. What do you have today? Any big names? Okay, you say manufacturing in Penang has reached it's maturity. So what happenned to other fields like medical, bio-medic...etc? So basically the pool of grads has increased but the employment sector has remained stagnant. They can only take in a limited number of workers.
With no promotion for me and my peers, no wonder we are also hungry.